Drinking water hike

Nommern Nommern, Luxemburg

The Luxembourg Sandstone is the most important drinking water reservoir in the Mullerthal. During this hike, the formation of the rocks and the use and protection of the groundwater are discussed. Rachel Krier from Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall and Tom Schaul from the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development will take you on […]

Georally for nature pirates

Nommern Nommern, Luxemburg

In cooperation with the Parents' Association of the Municipality of Nommern, the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall organises an exciting rally for young and old around the geosite of the year "Champignon". While the little nature pirates have to solve big tasks on the way, they will also learn all kinds of curiosities about our region. […]

Hunting horn

Nommern Nommern, Luxemburg

No matter if you are a beginner or an expert, everyone is welcome here! Prelude (19.9.): What is a hunting horn, what types are there and what do they sound like? Join us and find out! After a presentation, you can listen to a concert. 4 rehearsals: Together with Nicole Bertemes and John Mühlen we […]

Waldbaden auf dem Well-Being Trail

Nommern Nommern, Luxemburg

Die Heilkraft der Natur entdecken Aufenthalte im Grünen sind äußerst gesund für Immunsystem, Körper und Psyche. Die Tradition des „Shinrin-yoku“ kommt aus Japan und lädt dazu ein, sich ganz einzulassen auf die Umgebung des Waldes. Es geht um das Erleben von Farben, Gerüchen und Geräuschen, um Innehalten und Entspannen, um innere Stille und äußere Ruhe. […]