Geology & Geosites

Geology – an introduction

The appearance of our landscape is partly shaped by the various rocks in the subsoil. So whether the landscape is characterized by hills or rocks depends on the local geology. Rocks are often taken for granted. But their occurrence tells us about the exciting, millions-of-years-old geological history of the region, a history of the emergence and disappearance of landscapes.

Are, for example, certain rock strata suitable for the extraction of building stones or does the arrangement of the rock strata favour the occurrence of drinking water and springs? The properties of the different rocks and the alternation of rock strata in the subsoil have a direct influence on the way the landscape is utilized by humans.

Klicken Sie auf die Bilder um weitere, detailliertere Informationen zu den jeweiligen Themen zu erhalten!

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Ehemaliger Meeresboden
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Geological chronology and geological map
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Rocks and their properties
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The landscapes of the region

You will soon find further information below on

  • the formation of rocks on the sea floor;
  • geological chronology and geological mapping;
  • the region’s important rocks and their characteristics;
  • ground water, which plays an important role in the drinking water supply.

 Geosites – insights into regional geology

The unique geological heritage of the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall tells the story of the region’s evolution in its rocks and landscapes. It forms the foundation of our environment and – like the relationship between the geology and the natural and cultural heritage of the region – is easily visible and thus also easily experienced. Numerous examples of human activities in the region can be shown for these links, for instance, since the Stone Age (Paleolithic). That’s why the landscape can be regarded as a valuable historical archive. There are also numerous links between the plant world and geology. Plants reflect the local rocks in the subsoil, the characteristics of the soil and aspects of the landscape (such as the orientation of the slope).

Geosites are all interesting places and objects where the history of the earth can be particularly well experienced.

In the following video, you will discover a lot about the geology of the region. It is subbed in english. You can find all the videos of this series here.

The layer game

Discover the types of rock in the Mëllerdall Nature and Geopark, what properties they have and how the landscape is shaped. Stack the layers on top of each other and observe which valley shapes are created.

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