Schéissendëmpel – force of the water

At the Schéissendëmpel with its stone bridge, the water of the Black Ernz stream flows over some large boulders lying in the stream bed. They cannot be carried away by […]

At the Schéissendëmpel with its stone bridge, the water of the Black Ernz stream flows over some large boulders lying in the stream bed. They cannot be carried away by […]

At the Schéissendëmpel with its stone bridge, the water of the Black Ernz stream flows over some large boulders lying […]

Al Schmelz – Ponds of a former blast furnace

Fischbach is one of Luxembourg’s early industrial centres: from 1768 to 1857, bog iron ore from the Mersch area was smelted in blast furnaces in the vicinity of the village. […]

Fischbach is one of Luxembourg’s early industrial centres: from 1768 to 1857, bog iron ore from the Mersch area was smelted in blast furnaces in the vicinity of the village. […]

Fischbach is one of Luxembourg’s early industrial centres: from 1768 to 1857, bog iron ore from the Mersch area was […]

Wollefsschlucht – a sandstone gorge

The steep rock cliffs of the up to 40-metre deep “Wolf’s Gorge” consist of Luxembourg sandstone (li2). While the sandstone forms the “Érelchen” plateau, the lower part of the slope […]

The steep rock cliffs of the up to 40-metre deep “Wolf’s Gorge” consist of Luxembourg sandstone (li2). While the sandstone forms the “Érelchen” plateau, the lower part of the slope […]

The steep rock cliffs of the up to 40-metre deep “Wolf’s Gorge” consist of Luxembourg sandstone (li2). While the sandstone […]

Thoull and the former meander of the river Sauer

South of Echternach, two small streams flow through a wide valley around the “Thoull” hill. The present Echternach lake was created here in the 1970s. The valley has however a […]

South of Echternach, two small streams flow through a wide valley around the “Thoull” hill. The present Echternach lake was created here in the 1970s. The valley has however a […]

South of Echternach, two small streams flow through a wide valley around the “Thoull” hill. The present Echternach lake was […]

Champignon – a mushroom shaped rock

The Champignon is a solitary boulder of Luxembourg sandstone in the shape of a mushroom. It is the weathering remnant of this sandstone layer, which originally extended further north here. […]

The Champignon is a solitary boulder of Luxembourg sandstone in the shape of a mushroom. It is the weathering remnant of this sandstone layer, which originally extended further north here. […]

The Champignon is a solitary boulder of Luxembourg sandstone in the shape of a mushroom. It is the weathering remnant […]

Rippeger Kopp – the cuesta of Luxembourg Sandstone

The Luxembourg Sandstone ends abruptly at this location and the topography drops steeply down. Such a terrace is called a cuesta. Below the ridge the lower-lying, gently-undulating landscape of colourful […]

The Luxembourg Sandstone ends abruptly at this location and the topography drops steeply down. Such a terrace is called a cuesta. Below the ridge the lower-lying, gently-undulating landscape of colourful […]

The Luxembourg Sandstone ends abruptly at this location and the topography drops steeply down. Such a terrace is called a […]

Kuelscheier – a narrow rock crevice

The Kuelscheier is a narrow, pitch-dark rock crevice in the Luxembourg sandstone. It runs over a distance of about 100 metres parallel to the valley of the Härdbaach stream. The […]

The Kuelscheier is a narrow, pitch-dark rock crevice in the Luxembourg sandstone. It runs over a distance of about 100 metres parallel to the valley of the Härdbaach stream. The […]

The Kuelscheier is a narrow, pitch-dark rock crevice in the Luxembourg sandstone. It runs over a distance of about 100 […]

Steekaul Burermillen – a former sandstone quarry

The oldest rocks in the region can be observed: red sandstones from the Lower Triassic (“Buntsandstein”). The red colour is due to oxidyzed iron concentrations in the rock. These older […]

The oldest rocks in the region can be observed: red sandstones from the Lower Triassic (“Buntsandstein”). The red colour is due to oxidyzed iron concentrations in the rock. These older […]

The oldest rocks in the region can be observed: red sandstones from the Lower Triassic (“Buntsandstein”). The red colour is […]

Gipskaul – Mining of gypsum near Rosport

Mainly in the 1940s and 1950s gypsum was mined underground in a gallery on the slope of the Giischterbësch forest. The extracted gypsum was transported in wagons via a braking […]

Mainly in the 1940s and 1950s gypsum was mined underground in a gallery on the slope of the Giischterbësch forest. The extracted gypsum was transported in wagons via a braking […]

Mainly in the 1940s and 1950s gypsum was mined underground in a gallery on the slope of the Giischterbësch forest. […]

Salt water spring – Historical salt mining near Born

Salt was extracted near Born between the 16th and 18th centuries by means of a brine concentrating system. This is proven by a concession certificate dating from 1585. Salt mining was possible here because salt rich springs waters occur at various places on the river Sauer. One of the springs supplied a sufficiently large amount of water with a high enough salt content. Today, […]

Salt was extracted near Born between the 16th and 18th centuries by means of a brine concentrating system. This is proven by a concession certificate dating from 1585. Salt mining was possible here because salt rich springs waters occur at various places on the river Sauer. One of the springs supplied a sufficiently large amount of water with a high enough salt content. Today, [...]

Salt was extracted near Born between the 16th and 18th centuries by means of a brine concentrating system. This is proven by a concession certificate dating from 1585. Salt mining was possible here because salt rich springs waters occur at various places on the river Sauer. One of the springs supplied a sufficiently large amount of water with a high enough salt content. Today, [...]