Online quiz with Letz Guess

The Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall imparts knowledge in a wide variety of areas. During the Mëllerdall Days, you have the opportunity to put your knowledge about the UNESCO Global Geopark region to the test and are guaranteed to gain some additional knowledge. The quiz will take place from 19 to 26 May via the Letz […]

Natura 2000 Day

Echternach Echternach, Luxemburg

On 19 May, a rally for families will take place at Lake Echternach as part of the Natura 2000 Day. The rally is free and registration is not required. Along the way, you can expect games, workshops and explanations about nature-related topics. Start: main entrance Park & Ride Echternach Millenoacht oam Séi (30, rue des […]

Bike tour through the region

Nommern Nommern, Luxemburg

On 20 May, the FILANO cycling club will take you on a bike tour to discover the region. Start: 13h Eurocamping Nommern ca 92 km, 1.200 altitude difference route: no e-bikes or mountain bikes We are gonna pause at the Véloberge in Moersdorf. (You'll pay for your own drinks.) free of charge Please register […]

Movies: the Echternach Hopping Procession

Echternach Echternach, Luxemburg

On 20 May, you can watch two films about the Hopping Procession in Echternach at the Ciné Sura in Echternach. 16:00-17:30 (admission from 15:30) Duration: Magno Tripudio 27 minutes; Die Echternacher Springprozession 40 minutes free of charge LU No registration required (but places are limited) Every year on Whit Tuesday, pilgrims and spectators from home […]

Movie: Les Algues vertes

Echternach Echternach, Luxemburg

On 23.5. you can watch the movie "Les Algues vertes" (2023) at the Ciné Sura in Echternach. 20:15 (entry at 19:45) Duration: 107 minutes FR free of charge no need to register (but spots are limited) "Les Algues vertes" is a Franco-Belgian dramatic thriller directed by Pierre Jolivet and released in 2023. It is adapted […]

guided hike: Geosite Hëlt

Rosport Rosport, Luxemburg

Discover the Hëlt geosite with a tourist guide from our partner ORT! 3.8 km, path R7 ca 3h LU EN kids need to be at least 5 years old free of charge Please register at or 26 87 82 91. All other events during the Mëllerdall Days can be found here.

guided hike: Geosite Kuelscheier

Consdorf rte d'echternach, Consdorf, Luxembourg

Discover the Kuelscheier geosite with a tourist guide from our partner ORT! 4.2 km, path C2 ca 3h LU GER kids need to be at least 5 years old free of charge Please register at or 26 87 82 91. All other events during the Mëllerdall Days can be found here.

guided hike: Geosite Noumerleeën

Nommern Nommern, Luxemburg

Discover the Noumerleeën geosite with a tourist guide from our partner ORT! 5.3 km ca 3h LU GER kids need to be at least 5 years old free of charge Please register at or 26 87 82 91. All other events during the Mëllerdall Days can be found here. (c) photo: Photostudio C. Bosseler

Family rally at the Wanterbaach/Siweschlëff geosite

Berdorf Berdorf, Luxemburg

On 25 May, you can take part in a nature rally with your children in Berdorf. Wanterbaach/Siweschlëff is the geosite of the year 2024! kids must be at least 6 years old please bring: sturdy shoes, suitable clothing 14:00-17:00 Berdorf LU GER free of charge Please register at: or 26 87 82 91 You […]

guided hike: Geosite Haupeschbaach/Halerbaach

Beaufort Beaufort, Luxemburg

Discover the Haupeschbaach/Halerbaach geosite with a tourist guide from our partner ORT! 10 km ca 5h LU FR kids need to be at least 5 years old free of charge Please register at or 26 87 82 91. All other events during the Mëllerdall Days can be found here.