Waldbaden auf dem Well-Being Trail
Nommern Nommern, LuxemburgDie Heilkraft der Natur entdecken Aufenthalte im Grünen sind äußerst gesund für Immunsystem, Körper und Psyche. Die Tradition des „Shinrin-yoku“ kommt aus Japan und lädt dazu ein, sich ganz einzulassen auf die Umgebung des Waldes. Es geht um das Erleben von Farben, Gerüchen und Geräuschen, um Innehalten und Entspannen, um innere Stille und äußere Ruhe. […]
Action: Himalayan balsam
The Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) comes from the Himalayas and was planted in Europe by beekeepers and hobby gardeners at the end of the 19th century because of its beautiful flowers. The plant is extremely competitive, which means that it replaces native species - and it is spreading rapidly along our waters! If you want […]
Action: Himalayan balsam
The Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) comes from the Himalayas and was planted in Europe by beekeepers and hobby gardeners at the end of the 19th century because of its beautiful flowers. The plant is extremely competitive, which means that it replaces native species - and it is spreading rapidly along our waters! If you want […]
Action: Himalayan balsam
The Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) comes from the Himalayas and was planted in Europe by beekeepers and hobby gardeners at the end of the 19th century because of its beautiful flowers. The plant is extremely competitive, which means that it replaces native species - and it is spreading rapidly along our waters! If you want […]
Action: Himalayan balsam
The Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) comes from the Himalayas and was planted in Europe by beekeepers and hobby gardeners at the end of the 19th century because of its beautiful flowers. The plant is extremely competitive, which means that it replaces native species - and it is spreading rapidly along our waters! If you want […]
Action: Himalayan balsam
The Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) comes from the Himalayas and was planted in Europe by beekeepers and hobby gardeners at the end of the 19th century because of its beautiful flowers. The plant is extremely competitive, which means that it replaces native species - and it is spreading rapidly along our waters! If you want […]
Action: Himalayan balsam
The Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) comes from the Himalayas and was planted in Europe by beekeepers and hobby gardeners at the end of the 19th century because of its beautiful flowers. The plant is extremely competitive, which means that it replaces native species - and it is spreading rapidly along our waters! If you want […]
Plum festival
Cruchten Cruchten, LuxemburgFor several years now, the plum festival (“Quetschefest”) has been organised in Cruchten by the Amicale Pompjeeën from the municipality of Nommern. Despite the COVID-19 circumstances, the festival will take place this year, but in a different form than usual. To comply with the hygiene measures, the festival will be spread over two weekends and […]
Hunting horn
Nommern Nommern, LuxemburgNo matter if you are a beginner or an expert, everyone is welcome here! Prelude (19.9.): What is a hunting horn, what types are there and what do they sound like? Join us and find out! After a presentation, you can listen to a concert. 4 rehearsals: Together with Nicole Bertemes and John Mühlen we […]
Geosite day
Berdorf Berdorf, LuxemburgTogether with our geographer Dr. Birgit Kausch, you can discover the Huel Lee in Berdorf, our geosite of the year 2020, on a beautiful hike through the forest. The hike goes from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and is for free. Please bring sturdy shoes. Please register at 26 87 82 91 or info@naturpark-mellerdall.lu.