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Orchard menu: Restaurant Dimmer (Month of the orchard)

Wallendorf-Pont Wallendorf-Pont

Together with several restaurants from the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall, we would like to present the diversity of the orchards on your plate. Experience the taste of these orchards in […]

Orchard menu: Restaurant Gruber (Month of the orchard)

Steinheim Steinheim

Together with various restaurants from the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall, we serve you the regional meadow orchards on a plate. Experience the taste of the orchards in a variety of […]


Harvest Days

Born Born

Step into the meadow orchards for a true family and convivial adventure during Ramborn Harvest Days 2023. Experience harvest joy by picking traditional local apple varieties, and embrace nature’s connection. […]

Loschbour Tour

Heffingen Heffingen

Come with us on a long hike from Heffingen to the prehistoric site of Loschbour where the two oldest "Luxembourgers" were found under a mighty rock near the Black Ernz. […]