Holywood (barrier free)

Echternach Echternach, Luxemburg

Our ancestors knew about the benefits of the forest for mental health, stress reduction and physical well-being. These walks give you the chance to discover new knowledge about the links between human and nature and to get scientific explanations of the 'magical' benefits the forest has on us. Experience a unique opportunity to understand how […]

Pruning fruit trees: espalier trees

Waldbillig Waldbillig, Luxemburg

Espalier trees have to be cut back regularly so that they can carry as much good fruit as possible. Marc Thiel from SIAS will show you how to do that in this course. 10.7. 14:00-16:00 Waldbillig LU GER 5 € Registration: info@naturpark-mellerdall.lu or 26 87 82 91

Action day: Himalayan Balsam

Dillingen Dillingen, Luxembourg

The Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) comes from the Himalayas and was planted in Europe by beekeepers and hobby gardeners at the end of the 19th century because of its beautiful flowers. The plant is extremely competitive, which means that it replaces native species – and it is spreading rapidly along our waters! If you want […]

Survival by Night

Larochette Larochette, Luxemburg

During an exciting survival activity, you will learn as a family how to make a fire, build a shelter tent and find edible plants in the forest. We explore the forest at night with exciting games and a 4 km hike. The evening ends cosily around the campfire with stick bread and a hearty stew. […]