NGPM Week: Open day at the Aquatower

Berdorf Berdorf, Luxemburg

On 2 June is open day at the Aquatower in Berdorf. From 2-6 p.m., visitors can take a look at the exhibition for free. You can find all the events of the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall Week here!

NGPM Week: Pub Quiz

Echternach Echternach, Luxemburg

Would you like to test your knowledge of the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall region and learn more about it? Then sign up for the Pub Quiz at the Aal Eechternoach! 5 rounds of 10 questions each are planned. You must register as a team of 4 to a maximum of 6 people. The winners can […]

NGPM Week: Open days at Tudor Museum

Rosport Rosport, Luxemburg

On 4 and 5.6. the Tudor Museum opens its doors. Between 2pm and 6pm you can see the exhibition for free. Guided tours on both days: 15:30-16:30, language depending on visitor DE, LU or FR Craft workshop for children on both days: 14-18 h, robots and small experiments, 8 €/person You can find all the […]

NGPM Week: Larochette – a town between rocks and dry stone walls

Larochette Larochette, Luxemburg

This walk is designed to introduce you to the diversity of dry stone buildings in Larochette and to show you how this architecture is used to meet different needs. The 5 km route, with a difference in altitude of almost 200 m, is sporting as it is constantly uphill and downhill in search of viewpoints […]

NGPM Week: Geological bicycle tour

Born Born, Luxembourg

The route from Born to Echternach and back (approx. 35 km) largely follows the old railway lines on the Luxembourg and German sides of the Sûre. During this tour you’ll get explanations about the different geological layers, their characteristics and their use. Born-Echternach-Born 4.6. 9:00-15:00 DE free of charge bring along: bicycle, picnic Please register […]

NGPM Week: Guided hike geosites Wollefsschlucht & Huel Lee

Echternach Echternach, Luxemburg

Discover the Wollefsschlucht and Huel Lee geosites in Berdorf and Echternach on a guided hike organised by ORT Mullerthal! 4.6. 10-15h LU/FR Meeting point in front of the Basilika in Echternach 13.5 km free of charge Please register at or 26 87 82 91. You can find all the events of the Natur- & […]

NGPM Week: Open day at Hiefenecher Art

Heffingen Heffingen, Luxemburg

On 4 June you can discover the Hiefenecher Art studio from 11-19h. Here, sculptures are made from wood and wooden objects are repaired. The youth club will be barbecuing in front of the door. You can find all the events of the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall Week here!

NGPM Week: Guided hike geosite Champignon

Nommern Nommern, Luxemburg

Discover the geosite Champignon on a guided hike organised by ORT Mullerthal! 4.6. 14-17h LU/EN Meeting point at the Nommern municipality 5,2 km free of charge Please register at or 26 87 82 91. You can find all the events of the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall Week here!

NGPM Week: Guided hike geosite Schéissendëmpel

Mullerthal Mullerthal, Luxemburg

Discover the geosite Schéissendëmpel on a guided hike organised by ORT Mullerthal! 4.6. 14-17h LU/DE Meeting point Parking Heringer Millen 5,2 km free of charge Please register at or 26 87 82 91. You can find all the events of the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall Week here!

NGPM Week: Spooky residents at Beaufort Castle?

Beaufort Beaufort, Luxemburg

We discover Beaufort Castle with the experts and learn which animals live here and where they live. We build bat boxes from local wood and learn why bats are far better than their reputation. Of course, each child is allowed to take their box home afterwards. These different activities are offered between 14h and 18h. […]