Week of Events
Geosite of the Year: Haupeschbaach-Halerbaach
Geosite of the Year: Haupeschbaach-Halerbaach
As part of Geodiversity Day, we are organising a hike through the Geosite of the Year 2023: Haupeschbaach-Halerbaach. bring: sturdy shoes 7.10. 9:30-12:00 Beaufort free LU EN Registrations: geodiversity@mnhn.lu For more information on the Geodiversity Days, click here.
For kids: Treats for winter birds
For kids: Treats for winter birds
Why do we feed birds in winter? Which bird eats what? How do I make my own bird food? We will explore these exciting questions with an experienced nature educator. Bring along: weatherproof clothing and shoes, picnic lunch. 7.10. 10:00-13:00 Beaufort 33 € GER from 8 years (accompanied) Please register at: contact@beaufortcastles.com or +352 836601
Picking event (Month of the orchard)
Picking event (Month of the orchard)
On 7 October, the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall will be organising a picking event in a meadow orchard in Bech. The aim is to give you an idea of the importance of orchards, how they are maintained and what the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall is doing to preserve and protect them. After a brief introduction, […]