On 5 October, the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall is organising a picking event in an orchard in Bollendorf-Pont. The aim is to give you an insight into why orchards are valuable, how they are maintained and what the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall is doing to protect them. After the introduction, you can get down to […]
On the weekend of 13 and 14 October, the music and the amicale of the Larochette fire brigade will be organising their now traditional plum festival. There you can expect a varied selection of fresh plum products, from jam to the classic stuffed doughnut and fresh tarts. On Sunday, the whole thing will be supported […]
To celebrate the Month ot he Orchard, the École du Goût team is offering a cooking workshop full of surprises especially for children! On the menu: enchanted pumpkins, crisp apples, juicy pears and mysterious herbs from our enchanted gardens and local orchards. If you love mixing magical ingredients and cooking recipes with other sorcerer's apprentices, […]