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Orchard menu: Restaurant Dimmer (Month of the orchard)

Wallendorf-Pont Wallendorf-Pont

Together with several restaurants from the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall, we would like to present the diversity of the orchards on your plate. Experience the taste of these orchards in […]

Orchard menu: Restaurant Gruber (Month of the orchard)

Steinheim Steinheim

Together with various restaurants from the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall, we serve you the regional meadow orchards on a plate. Experience the taste of the orchards in a variety of […]

Orchard menu: Restaurant Victoria (Month of the orchard)

Berdorf Berdorf

Autumn is just around the corner, this means for several restaurant from the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall to reflect the treasures of the orchards in their meals. Immerse yourself in […]


Beaufort Beaufort

Our ancestors knew about the benefits of the forest for mental health, stress reduction and physical well-being. These walks give you the chance to discover new knowledge about the links […]

Dry stone walls for all

Beaufort Beaufort

During a walk along picturesque dry-stone walls, you will learn all about this ancient craft, which is part of Luxembourg's intangible cultural heritage. Afterwards, you can actively help with small […]

CANCELLED: Natural gardens

Beaufort Beaufort

Many animals only have a small radius of action and within this radius there must be opportunities for reproduction, food and nesting material. In this course you will learn in […]