If you want to reduce your plastic waste, you can order bags made of organic fairtrade cotton at the Nature Park!

These bags are ideal to buy and stock fruits, vegetables and bread since cotton is very good at regulating moisture.

The price for one bag is 2.50 € and you can order yours at info@naturpark-mellerdall.lu or call 26 87 82 91.


The 1st of december 2018 is the start of the idea contest of the three luxembourgish Nature Parks!

If you live or work in one of the three Nature Parks, or if you are part of an association on the territory, you can send us your application until the 1st of May 2019.

You could win between 1.500 and 6.000 € and support for your project!

Read the rules (in german) here:

thumbnail of Reglement mit Formular zum Ausfüllen_Äre Projet (m)am Naturpark 2018_19DE