The official foundation stone for the energy cooperative “Energiepark Mëllerdall” was laid in early February with the signatures of 12 founding members. The aim is to offer the citizens of the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall the possibility to contribute to and benefit from the energy transition.

If you would like to be informed about the next steps, please contact the project manager: Natassja Mich, Tel.: 29 87 82 91-24 / Mail:

You can find more information about the project on this website:

This initiative was launched within the framework of the LIFE-IP project ZENAPA, in which the Natur- & Geopark has been participating since 2016.

The Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall team is proud to announce, that yesterday we were awarded the „SuperDrecksKëscht® fir Betriber“ label. This certification serves to distinguish companies from the private and public sector, which actively contribute to the protection of the environment, thanks to an intern waste management and a regulated waste disposal.

Did you know that our Regional Economy department supports companies in certification demands? For more information, please contact us


In this year’s edition, you will find the classics like workshops on how to cut fruit trees or woodworking with wood from our region as well as new workshops like gardening with permaculture design, Zero Waste: how to make your own deodorant or How to prepare Pestos, pastes and dips with herbs!

You can order the new edition of the event flyer at the Natur- & Geopark!
Additionally, you can read and download it, just follow the link blow (luxembourgish):



Der “Loschbour Kulturtour” ist eine Konferenzreihe mit den neuesten Erkenntnissen über die beiden ältesten Jäger/Sammler aus Luxemburg. Diese wurden im Müllerthal ausgegraben. Es werden zwei Dokumentarfilme mit modernen 3D Projektionen gezeigt. Kommen Sie mit auf eine Reise in die Vergangenheit!

Die Konferenz ist gratis.
Weitere Informationen und wie Sie sich anmelden können finden Sie in in unseren Veranstaltungen und auf unserer Facebookseite.


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Die Konferenz findet in Zusammenarbeit mit dem CNRA statt.