Fumbling every last “weed” out of the gaps in your pavement, year after year, is annoying. There is an alternative though: you could sow in plants you want to have in these gaps! There are plenty that are sturdy enough and nice to look at: for example, there is aromatic thyme that doesn’t mind if you step on it once in a while or little daisy and wild violet that shyly stretch their little heads out of the pavement.

Continue reading “Living paths”

The “Bierschbecher Atelier” (Blannenheem) has put together a seed mixture with native wildflowers. At the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall and some other partners you can buy this mixture for 15 € (30 sqm)!

For more information, as well as tips on how to plant a wildflower meadow, contact our partner “…ouni Pestiziden“.

A list of the species included in the mixture can be found here.

If you have any questions or would like to order, just contact us at tamara.laterza@naturpark-mellerdall.lu or on 26 87 82 91-28.

Tired of your gravel garden? Then click here!

The region of the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall enjoys high numbers of visitors from home and abroad. In order for everyone to have a great experience here, it is important to follow a few simple rules of conduct.

Discover interesting and little-known facts about the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall in our short video features. With this series we would like to introduce you to the special features of our region in an exciting and entertaining way.
We are very happy to show you the region of Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall from different perspectives and hope that you will also learn something new.

(c) NGPM Pierre Haas

The Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall (NGPM) is aiming for membership in the international program of UNESCO Global Geoparks. Since UNESCO already confirmed great potential and an internationally remarkable geological heritage in the region when it first applied in 2017, it was clear to all those involved from the start that a new candidacy should take place at a later date. This has now been submitted after intensive work was carried out to improve the points of criticism.

You can read the whole application dossier here:

The competition for projects with a sustainable character takes place annually in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Development. Individuals, companies and associations resident in Luxembourg have until 15 March 2021 to submit a project or event. The only condition is that the implementation should take place in one of Luxembourg’s 3 Nature Parks.

Try your luck and win financial aid of up to € 6,000.

You can find the registration form here (in German) and here (in French).

From September 10th on, Climate Alliance Luxembourg and Verkéiersverbond are organising the TOUR du DUERF cycling campaign for the seventh time, and Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall is taking part again!

The declared aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of daily use of the bicycle and to give it a more important role in everyday life. In particular, the members of the local council and advisory committees are called upon to find out about the reality of cycling and then of course implement measures to improve the situation in their municipality. The members of the local council and advisory commissions cycle in teams, together with the other residents of the municipality. The aim is to collect as many bicycle kilometres as possible over a period of three weeks, whether during working or leisure time, in teams or individually. Everyone is welcome to participate and form teams: school classes, associations, organisations, companies, etc.

Each participant enters his or her kilometres in the online cycling calendar at www.tourduduerf.eu. The best teams are rewarded by the municipality, while the organisers Verkéiersverbond and Klima-Bündnis Lëtzebuerg reward the most active municipalities.

Who can participate?

– The members of the municipal council and the advisory committees;

– All residents;

– All people who work in the municipality, belong to an association or attend school there.

How can I participate?

On www.tourduduerf.lu you can either join an existing team or create a new one. From September 10th onwards, all you have to do is use your bike as often as possible and enter the kilometres you have covered. Participants without internet access report the kilometres they have cycled to their team captain, who enters them online on their behalf. We trust in the honesty of the participants!

Interested? More information and registration at www.tourduduerf.lu !