Active participation in the implementation of the sustainability goals

Together for a sustainable future

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations call for global action to fight poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. The Mëllerdall UNESCO Global Geopark is actively committed to implementing the SDGs in the region.

Join us!
A sustainable future requires the commitment of all of us. Here are some simple tips for everyday life:

  • Protect drinking water: Use environmentally friendly cleaning products, use rainwater, avoid polluting water.
  • Support local businesses: Buy local and seasonal products and reduce CO₂ emissions by shortening transport routes.
  • Promote education: Share knowledge, volunteer in educational projects, support lifelong learning.
  • Preserve nature and biodiversity: Create natural gardens, create habitats for animals, conserve resources.
  • Climate protection: save energy, use sustainable transport, be a conscious consumer.

Every contribution counts – be part of the change!